
Eco Owl Press is your local Union member owned printing company promising to offer high quality, moderately priced advertising using environmentally focused materials as often as possible. Our aim is to redefine the industry while helping to “green” your business needs and your voice. Creative, fun, honest, customer oriented and opportunity driven, we want to get your message to your audience without (further) wrecking our planet. Focus Local and help us to reclaim and cultivate our city all while being kind to the earth. Think Globally, Print locally.
Help us to help you to help us get rid of those lousy parentheticals!
Our Focus: We want to get your message to your audience without (further) wrecking our planet. To the extent we can, we use the most environmentally friendly and conscientious methods and materials and encourage our suppliers to develop… and our clients to demand… better alternatives for the environment.
Why do we still use other stuff, too? We want to be around as the industry grows away from things that harm our planet. Going from “right now” to “right” is a process. Every revolution begins with an idea. We didn’t invent the idea, but we are doing what we can to develop the idea of Green printing. By making people ask questions about how getting their message in print will impact the planet, the industry as a whole moves closer to providing better and better answers.
We ask questions and we listen. If you know of an even better more Green way, tell us and we’ll try it and adopt it if it advances the notion of Green printing.
About Us: We’re a locally owned and operated printing business in South Bend, Indiana. We’re a husband and wife combo and were both born and raised in Michiana. We have a strong focus on locally owned and grown products, and do what we can for the environment and the arts. We wanted to be part of South bend in a different way because we love the area, the arts and respect how the city is growing and expanding with a family and business focus. We also wanted to be part of South Bend’s eco-friendly focus as a city, and help to create alternative GREEN options for our local community and it’s advertising needs.
We started Eco Owl Press in April of 2014 as a home based business. Due to quick growth within the business, we moved our shop to LangLab in fall of 2015; which is a wonderful music, art and community event space in the area. We are thrilled to be part of South Bend’s growth, the events, music, arts and to be one of it’s local businesses. We have a strong circle of family and friends that are local artists, musicians or are self employed entrepreneurs supporting South Bend’s growth. We want to be part of the revolution!

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This is us

Want it done and don't want to worry about it? Email Cass. It's as good as done. Got it? Good.

Need something printed but no idea what you're doing? Need Design work?
Get it to Rich. Easy.